Have you ever watched a show and wanted to live in their universe? Sure it is all make-believe but the idea is fun to think about. Maybe you feel like one of the characters or you just feel like you can fit right in. There are a few I would probably enjoy, Friends, Harry Potter, and Bluey to name a few of mine. My husband has a few favorite shows with such unique art styles that I thought putting the family in those universes would be a fun gift. 

The cartoon I put the family in was the Simpsons. I set us on the iconic couch in their pink living room. We all turned into the noticeable yellow-skinned cartoon, with clothing in a mix of the cartoon and our own styles. I gave all the girls pearl necklaces to add that little piece of style. We can just imagine the theme song playing and us all running and jumping on the couch for the intro. Who wouldn’t enjoy being a yellow cartoon character? 

The next cartoon to add to, how about Bob’s Burgers. This is another show my husband loves and he is just like Bob. Why not paint the iconic burger joint and name it after him. The name and storefront helps place us in the universe since the cartoons are more human colored. I did get their big oval eyes and gave Chris all his arm and chest hair. Instead of bunny ears, I gave Isla a dino tail, because that is her favorite animal, and often dresses like a dinosaur. Evie has some Hufflepuff colors because that is her current passion. 

So far these are the two I have made for him, but I hope to add more soon. I haven’t decided what will be next, and will it be for him or for someone else? Will report back when I add more. 

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