Our Co-op has had a fun year doing our book club. Every month we read a new book and did the activities that went along with the book. For some of our books, we ended the month by making our own version of the story, some with art, some with a poem or a piece of art. One of the great projects we did was a cereal box book report.
The book we read this month was Audrey L. and Audrey W. Best Friend-ish. It was an awesome book about the jealousy and learning how to be friends for the elementary-aged. It had many great lessons and was fun and enjoyable. There were some silly jokes that even made the boys in the group laugh so the female lead characters did not deter them too much.

After the book, the girls created a cereal based on the story. They picked a mascot and named the cereal on the front of the box. One side was for the ingredients where they listed the characters and setting. The other side was for a short summary of the book. The best part was the game they created for the back of the box. It would be easy to create this on blank paper, which is what we did for the cover. For the games, I used grid paper and a blank maze we had for them to build around. I used a handy dandy template for their box sides!

This activity would be great for any book. Our co-op all shared theirs from the same book and came up with so many different mascots and games as it is. The ingredients and summaries were all similar. It would be really fun to do with a group if they all read different books. The kids could then trade them all, learn about new books and even try out the games.