Jamestown Edible Model

Next on our next step on our US history journey had us visiting Jamestown, Virginia. It was the first permanent English settlement in North America. The first settlers were all men and we talked about Captain John Smith’s role. We also discussed the story of Pocahontas. 

For a fun Friday we watched the Disney version of Pocahontas and compared and contrasted what was similar and different. 


Our big project was our own edible Jamestown model.

Jamestown almost wasn’t built and it almost disappeared due to a lot of death and sickness and no women to repopulate. Capt Smith pushed the men to complete it and kept things in order when many men died and eventually convinced women to come and marry them. The town was built in a triangular shape with the logs from the surrounding forests of Virginia and right next to the Black River. 

The supplies we gathered for our edible model were brown sugar, graham crackers, and peanut butter, Chex mix, Rice Krispies treats, and marshmallows. I have one who does not like peanut butter, so we used icing too. One did half of it with peanut butter and the other did half with icing. Icing is also best if working with kids who might have a peanut allergy, but peanut butter cuts the sugar. No nut butter works as well, but we do not keep it on hand.

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