Last session we did a lot of weather studies in our classes, with co-op and at home. All of Isla’s Enrichment science was weather-related. We discovered many cool weather facts and did many experiments. Unfortunately, the pictures were sometimes too hard for experiments not done at home, but I will list some links to ideas as well. 

The Wadlock Way has an awesome curriculum for the weather if you want a self-contained study. I had this to use as a guide for the weather to cover and created activities for a while class. However, we did much of this curriculum at home as well. 

We made:


There was also a lot of opportunity for art and play in the weather. 
Some were; blowing pompoms with straws for wind, and then using those straws to blow paint for art, studying clouds and then making them with cotton balls, we also ended the year making a volcano and letting it ‘explode’. 

The weather studies tied right in when our co-op talked about journalists. Meteorologist is included in this category. One of our awesome moms set up a tour to visit our location news station. 
We were escorted by my one of our Meteorologists, who guided us into the recording room to watch the action. We also got to see the main room with all the screens and the producers who are making sure everything is cued up. 

We visited the green room for any special guest who might be joining the news. There was also a huge makeup room. We saw where the fancy offices were upstairs, though we didn’t go in, but the 2nd story gave us an amazing view of all the journalists hard at work and collecting stories. 

During a recording break, the whole crew was able to go and test out the green screen in the recording studio. This was the kid’s favorite part. Especially when they pulled out the green sheet and made their heads float on the TV. 

If you are ever studying journalism or weather, consider contacting your local news stations to see if they offer a tour. Being able to see what they are learning always makes it so much more real for their growing minds. 

I love it when all our activities tie in without my planning them all. For our meteorology class, the final project was always to create a world and give a weather report. 
I did not plan the trip, but Isla and a few other kids who were in both groups were able to tell us how what the meteorologist did before our presentations. 
She created her own little Isla Land to share. There were a lot of little Pokemon towns on her land with a mix of weather to share. I think she had fun with all we were able to do! 

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